Shoe Care Tips | Leather & Suede Shoe Cleaners, Storing & Shoe Repair

shoe care tips

Great looking leather shoes can add an extra spunk to any attire, and can last you a lifetime!


Below are some simple shoe care tips –

Shoe Cleaning

–  Most  brands will have in-house shoe cleaners and creams so always ask the shop assistant for shoe care tips and recommended products.
–  First, take the laces off your shoes. Use a soft bristled brush to wipe off general dirt and dust.
–  Keeping your hand under the flap to keep the upper firm and flat, use your other hand to apply a suitable cleaner or saddle soap all over the leather shoes with a brush
–  Pay particular attention to any noticeable scuffs or marks.
–  Let the shoes dry for about 20 minutes before proceeding to polish.

Shoe Polishing & Conditioning

–  Shoes will dry out over time. To prevent flaking and wrinkling, dab some conditioner on a soft cloth and rub gently all over in a even motion. Shoe conditioning is a vital aspect of shoe care!
–  Choose a polish that matches your shoe. Experts generally recommend a beeswax polish, which will soften and protect at the same time.
–  Wipe off excess polish with a soft clean cloth, and buff the shoe.

Shoe Waterproofing

–  A spray-on water repellent is an essential, fool-proof way to safeguard against water.
–  Before application, use a warm sponge to open up the pores of the leather on your shoes, thus allowing for better absorption.

Shoe Storing Tips

–  A quality shoe tree is a good investment. Unfinished cedar absorbs excess moisture and bad odours from your shoes.
–  Once you’re home, stuff your boot toe with butter paper, then string them up on the tree immediately.
–  Regular use of a tree will maintain your shoe’s original shape, and will also keep the leather from shrinkage and creasing!

Suede Shoe Cleaning 

Waterproof your suede and nubuck shoes with a suede shoe cleaner, and use a suede eraser to get rid of scuff marks. Next, use a soft bristled brush to revive the nap and lift off dirt particles. A fine sandpaper can also be used to get rid of nasty dirt stuck between the nap on the suede! In extreme cases of grease stains or dye transfer from darker colours, a professional Shoe Laundry should be consulted!

Patent Shoe Care & Cleaning 

Patent leather has a lacquer coating on it, thus patent leathers become very hard to care for! It is very prone to staining (especially through dye transfers from darker colours). Thus make sure to always store your patent shoes in dust bags! Fresh stains can easily be removed by immediately buffing the affected area by a warm moist cloth! However for older, more nasty stains (that has been absorbed by the leather sitting below the plastic coating), nothing can be done to revive the shoes! Occasional application of petrol jelly helps to  revive the gloss of patent leather!


– If you’ve been polishing your shoes for a while, there may be a lot of accumulated wax. Use a specialised leather shoe cleaner before implementing the cleaning process expounded above.
–  Use a good quality shoe-horn to ease your foot in without creasing the backside of the shoe
–  Every few years, visit a trusted shoe repair shop, and have your shoes re-soled for regular upkeep!
–  Always make sure that your shoes are completely dry before storing them into a cupboard or a shoe rack, to prevent growth of mold or fungus!

Excerpts from: Luxury-Insider.Com

Photo Source: Cherry Blossom

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